I’ve been doing freelance work for my own clients and through a number of advertising and graphical agencies. I started out building simple static sites and dynamic sites in PHP and WordPress. By examining the code of other developers and through a lot of tutorials, books and other material, I started delving into learning object oriented programming and building applications for the desktop. Unfortunately, not a lot of businesses in rural Denmark need anything more than a simple portfolio website or a small e-commerce site.

BusinessPark Struer site

The local co-working space BusinessPark Struer

Conpleks site


I therefore started coding and implementing the designs of a web and graphical design business called Kommuniklame, and other clients soon followed. Before I went on to start Emplate, I had done more than 200 projects. The projects varied in size from a new image gallery on a portfolio site, to a complete webshops including custom campaign subsites and inventory management and automation.

I discovered the great Laravel, and also built custom applications for myself and two large clients in the automotive industry and consumer electronics, which I’m not allowed to disclose publicly.

class Project extends Eloquent
	public function timesheets()
		return $this->hasMany('Timesheet', 'project_id');

	public function scopeInvoicable($query)
		return $query->where('status', '=', 2)->orderBy('updated_at', 'DESC');

	public function scopeThisMonth($query)
		$next_month = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', 
			strtotime('first day of next month today'));
		$this_month = date('Y-m-d H:i:s',
			strtotime('first day of this month today'));
		return $query
			->whereBetween('invoicedate', array($this_month, $next_month));

Some code from a timetracking project for internal use in Laravel 3 (i think). Please note the lovely use of array().

I hope to open-source some of the work I’ve done in the near future.